“Colorful, amusing, and detailed double-page spreads resemble the real Rube Goldberg’s cartoons. . . Endpapers with sight gags, a progression of animals, and more add to the merriment, while a concluding look at simple machines keeps the antics educational.” — Booklist

Wisconsin Native Ed Steckley has been a humorous illustrator for over 30 years, beginning in live caricature, comic books and magazine illustration, to advertising and now children’s books. He’s the illustrator of two different STEM/STEAM series, based in the world of Rube Goldberg and his crazy contraptions. The first is a picture book series, focused around Rube Goldberg – a little boy who creates crazy machines and contraptions to help him get through his day. The other is a Middle Reader series, written by Brandon T. Snider, which follows a middle school aged Rube as he navigates middle school and embraces his love of science, engineering and machine building. Both are published by Abrams/Amulet. Rube Goldberg’s Big Book of Building: Make 25 Machines That Really Work! comes out in October of 2024.

In addition to children’s books, Ed’s work has appeared in numerous publications, most notably Mad magazine. He’s also an advertising illustrator, working for countless advertising agencies world wide. He is a member of the National Cartoonists Society and the Society of Illustrators.

Ed's Featured Titles


Rube Goldberg Machine Creation

For the STEM/STEAM minded, we discuss my process for creating Rube Goldberg machines.  From entering the mindset of an engineer, all the way towards execution of the final art, using humor and ridiculous innovation to create these funny, overly complicated and delightful contraptions.  Live drawing, audience interaction, and lots of Q&A and anecdotes make this fun for machine builders of all ages.
All ages

Rube Goldberg and the History of Cartooning

From the early days of newspapers when publishers found that visual storytelling would help to attract viewers, how artists and cartoonists have evolved the art of cartooning to attract and keep their readers engaged. Special focus given to historic comics, editorial cartoons, and Rube Goldberg in particular as an example of how the past has helped shape the current state of cartooning.
Ages 10 & up


Drawing Caricature and Humor

A comprehensive lecture on the history of caricature utilizing historical examples, visuals and examples of it’s use throughout history.  Followed by my personal experience and love for the art, and how that applies to various other forms of art and illustration.  Ending with a live caricature demo session and Q&A. Chock full of visuals, anecdotes, and lots of live drawing!

All ages

Drawing and Painting: The Process

A technical presentation on a number of painting techniques, with examples of each. Then a step by step demonstration of how I incorporate tools and techniques that best serve the project at hand from traditional media to digital. Live drawing, and lively Q&A.
Ages 10 & up


Art Instruction

A talk geared towards the psychology of drawing.  How an artist’s mindset and attitude translates into the work.  Includes a short history of various types of art, from caricature as a means of political and sociological expression, to editorial illustration and beyond.
Includes a comprehensive slideshow with examples, and ends with a live drawing session and Q&A
Ages 13 & up

Ed’s Portfolio

Ed’s Merchandise

Ed’s Blog

Kalamazoo Museum’s Rube Goldberg Traveling Exhibit

Rube Goldberg: The World of Hilarious Invention Exhibit!

Honors, Awards & Recognition

National Cartoonists Society’s top award winner for Best in Book Illustration
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Achievement
Divisional Reuben Award from National Cartoonists Society for Best in Advertising Illustration
Book Illustration
Magazine Illustration
Parents Choice Gold Award

Media Kit

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